As many of you may have seen there has been a lot of work going on at the old Klucks Store (Mahogany News and Supermarket), Mundaring Caravan Park and Nalgoo Inn. The old shop and park has been taken over by a local family who are currently renovating this hills icon which will later open as the 'Perth Hills Caravan Park and Market Villiage' later in the year. This renovation will see the old shop become a market village for local producers to sell there items, Nagloo Inn will be opened again as a snack bar and the caravan park revitalized.
The history of this site dates back to the 1960s. Below is a brief history of the shop and park.
Nalgoo Inn opened as a restaurant in 1962 and Kluck's Store began a few years later around 1966 with the restaurant still doing takeaway burgers and roast chickens for a few years. It moved from a delicatessan to include a newsagency and the shop expanded twice over the next 20 years. The Caravan Park opened around 1974. Klucks was one of the only stores that opened till 9 everyday including the weekend, but also stocked many varieties of cheeses, meats and other European foods which people came for all over the place.
Photo below: Klucks Store and Nagloo Inn, 1980s
Thank you to Paul Kluck for the great information!
