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Save St Mark's on Today Tonight
The story aired on Channel 7 Perth on November 1st 2019, featuring Cr Simon Cuthbert, Owen Briffa Curator of LMS and local residents.
Jessica Shaw MLA speaking in WA Parliament about Preserving Hills History (including St Mark's)
Jessica spoke in Parliament on 28th November 2019 about the importance of preserving our Hills history - particularly the only WW2 Camps in the Perth area. Jessica stated "We have some great heritage warriors up here - Owen Briffa of Lost Mundaring & Surroundings Local History Museum, Bob Sheppard of the Friends of the Chidlow WW2 Camps, Chidlow District RSL and Fran & Norm from The Chidlow Tavern. Thanks to everyone in our community who is fighting with us to preserve our heritage!"
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